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1,2,3 ... Pica Bressola! (DiscMedi, 2012) is the third music project Amics de la Bressola have launched. It has been a collective success from the beginning, thanks to the contribution of 320 sponsors who funded the production through Verkami, as well as the long list of music collaborations it has had. The management and music production of the album was led by Marc Serrats and some thirty singers and musicians took part in the 25 songs it contains. The main feature of the project is the re-reading and reviewing of children's songs and traditional music, and especially the new rhythms they give them. Live, the musiquetes sound better than ever and confirm that they are an excellent formula for intergenerational gathering around music and the songs of always.


name: 1,2,3... PICABRESSOLA!
genre: Pop aborigen

Arnau Caparó: baix, teclat greu Korg, guitarra i veus
Xarli Oliver: bateria, bases i guitarra
Albert Vila: baix i banjo turc
Marc Serrats: guitarra, mandolina i veus
Jordi Torres: actor
Més quatre convidats


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