IÑAKI PLAZA & ION GARMENDIA renew the classic sense of folk in their first record entitled 20 Hatz Proiekt (Baga-Biga, 2009). In it, they analyse and examine the Basque musical tradition from the experimental standpoint, and to do it they use the pvc tubiogh as a bass, or different Basque instruments like the trikitixa, the alboka, the txistu and the processed txalaparta, or the wooden or stone txalaparta next to plastic barrels. The result is conclusive: experimental world music of the Basque tradition. IÑAKI PLAZA and ION GARMENDIA have participated and collaborated with different groups (Berrogüetto, Ibon Koteron, Faltriqueira, Tejedor, Kepa Junkera...).
Ion Garmendia txistu
(flauta de tres forats), alboka (clarinet doble basc), txalaparta, tubiogh (tubs de pvc baixos) i percussions
Iñaki Plaza trikitixa
(acordió diatònic basc), txalaparta, tubiogh i percussions
Kepa Calvo bateria
, percussions i tubiogh